Then we went to a party. We went as Sally and Jack Skellington from a Nightmare Before Christmas. I think it turned out pretty well.
Here we had McCain and Palin at the party.
We had a Joe-Six Pack and another Sarah Palin.
Two Sarah Palin's in the same room-that's too much. One Sarah Palin is too much IMHO.
There was a very Macho Man.
Two friends from law school were there as well.
There was Bob Ross and a happy little tree. I was really impressed by this costume.
There was a Marlboro Man, complete with emphysema, I really liked this costume.
Next is my birthday loot:
The best thing was a hand drawn card from my little sister, she has quite a talent.
Michael got me this limited edition Namaste bag and the matching clutch. It's an awesome knitting bag.
My parents got me a new toy-the iTouch. Yay!
Now, what you actually come to this blog for....that's knitting, right?
I turned the heel on the second (third) sock...I'm happy to be in the home stretch. I like toe-up socks, but I do not like the wrap and turn, is there any way to do a toe-up heel without short rows or short rows toe-up without it?
I finished the middle motif on the chuppah, it's hugenormous now.....and will be twice as big by the time I am done.
Here is the Candle Tree motif in the middle, which for me is symbolozing the Tree of Life. It was my first time cableing.....I am glad it turned out ok....
I joined a new cone (number 3!!!!!) at the end of this Motif...
I am re-addressing the decision for the next motif. I am therefore swatching with some cheap acrylic type yarn and trying to decide what to use. The problem is that all of these motifs (the candle ones I am trying) have parts where the motif starts that are the top half of the motif at the bottom and the bottom half of the motif at the top of the motif repeat. I don't want that. I think I can re-engineer some of these patterns to fix that by knitting stockinette during those parts, I just have to figure out which stitches to switch to knits/purls from the pattern stitches. I will probably swatch the pattern as written and the pattern as I can figure it out and then write that down and knit from that.
The kitty has finally been using his house and looks like a possessed kitty in there, just in time for a Happy Halloween to all of you!
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